information now includes quotes about art by famous artists, critics, writers, theorists, and others. The content includes artists' and others' ideas and philosophies on the following topics:
So if you believe that the subconscious has wonderful patterns, and if you allow it to form its designs, if you just trust to that design, in the end all these clusters form a pattern, sometimes a very unexpected one.
But though the nonlogical, instinctive, subconscious part of the mind must play its part in his work, [the artist] also has a conscious mind which is not inactive. The artist works with a concentration of his whole personality, and the conscious part of it resolves conflicts, organizes memories, and prevents him from trying to walk in two directions at the same time.
See these and other ideas about art and its meaning, art theory, art history, art criticism, and famous artists.
Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco Bay Area, East Bay, northern California