Colorful contemporary decorative painting by Sharon Hudson.
non-objective art colorful nonobjective paintings contemporary non objective painters
Contemporary California painter Sharon Hudson does both abstract and non-objective painting and collage in her unique, sensual style emphasizing color and pattern. Her contemporary art gallery of colorful nonobjective art consists of complex paintings and collages of overlaid patterns. These sophisticated paintings and collages are unique in contemporary art.

Colorful non-objective painting with collage.
Hudson's study of Japanese textiles, and her work with multiple exposures and abstract photography, led her to overlay and mix patterns in her painting. The challenge is the smooth integration of diverse artistic elements, to create order and harmony amidst complexity.

Colorful nonobjective painting and collage.
Objects are temporary configurations of energy and matter into recognizable forms. Both "solid" form, and "empty" space are full of energy. In her painting and collage, Hudson represents both form and energy -- a moment of visual balance between figure and ground, stability and motion, excitement and composure. The result is spiritual harmony as well as visual pleasure--a sensual meditation.

Modern non objective collage with Victorian wallpapers.
Observation of art in other cultures has led Hudson to respect the "small" but universal job of art, often forgotten in modern life and contemporary painting: that is, simply to enrich daily life through pleasure. Amidst the ubiquitous dis-integration of the modern world, Hudson's art provides a refuge of wholeness and balance, an intriguing and nourishing "feast for the eyes."

Modern nonobjective art in mixed media collage.
In addition to these nonobjective paintings, this contemporary art gallery also offers realistic and decorative figures, still lifes, portraits, and other abstract art. Bold, sensual, intriguing fine art in painting, collage, pastel, drawing, and mixed media. San Francisco Bay area visual artist Sharon Hudson, Berkeley and Oakland, northern California.
See more contemporary visual art at Sharon Hudson's website:
Oakland, San Francisco Bay Area, East Bay, northern California