by Sharon Hudson

buy figure paintings, drawings, and portraits in the fine art exhibits below:

Paintings of Black women painting of Black women contemporary portraits of Black women.

Black women portrait paintings.

Portrait painting of Black women.

A Girl Named Kenya


Painting of Black women.

Abstract painting of Black women.

Church Lady


Drawings of Black women.

Drawing of Black women.



Black women paintings Black women contemporary paintings and portraits of Black women.

My Paintings of Black Women

My paintings and drawings of Black women always begin with live models and are a happy celebration of all kinds and shapes of women.  I paint women of different ethnicities in about the proportions they appear in figure drawing classes in my area, although Black women may be slightly overrepresented because several of my favorite models were African American.  When drawing or painting women, I am attracted most to their curvaceous sensuality, but the women I paint are also self-confident and direct.  I start with media that are swift and sensual, and work quickly to capture the model or her mood.  I may leave this spontaneous portrayal as the completed figure drawing, or I may work the drawing into a complex painting or collage, often playful, energized with patterns.  My paintings of women are characterized by their bold sensuality and direct gaze.  My stylistic inspiration comes from powerful realists like Michelangelo, as well as from masters of color and sensuality like Gauguin, Klimt, Matisse, Degas, and Van Gogh. 

Expressive portraits of women. Realistic oil pastel pictures of women. Contemporary decorative pictures of women. Realistic pictures of women. Sensual pictures of women.
Realistic drawings of Black women. Playful pictures of women. Decorative colorful pictures of women. Colorful pictures of women.


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