by Sharon Hudson

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Realistic figure drawings nude fine art drawings realistic female figures fine art.
Realistic figure drawings, reclining figure.

Realistic figure drawings in colored pencil.

Stephanie at the Beach

(in Artist's Collection)

Realistic figure drawings of two women.

Realistic figure drawings in graphite.

Student Welders

(in Portraits of Women)

Realistic figure drawings of Black woman.

Realistic figure drawings in charcoal.

Katja's Last Pose

(in Realistic Figures)

Realistic figure drawings fine art nude figures realistic drawings nude female figures realistic nudes.

My Realistic Figure Drawings

My realistic figure drawings express the sensual pleasure of the human body and the sheer fun of drawing.  The human figure brings life and energy to drawing, and I always begin with live models.  For male figures, I like to emphasize the musculature of the figure with interesting line and shading; with female figures I tend to abstract from the major shapes of the body.  Many of my figure drawings combine drawing with painted backgrounds or collage, to add rich colors or textures to traditional drawing media like graphite, colored pencil, or charcoal.  

My figure drawings, paintings, and collages range from realistic and expressive to abstract and decorative, and my inspiration comes from powerful Renaissance realists like Michaelangelo, and modern masters of sensuality like Gauguin, Klimt, Matisse, and Degas.  Realistic figure drawings have taken many different directions in time, but figure drawing adapts and retains its timeless appeal.

My realistic figure drawings other figurative fine art are found in my decorative figures, my realistic figures, my playful figures, and my artist's collection. They can also be found in the portraits exhibits.

You can send sinple, fun, and attractive e-cards of every image in my art gallery, with messages of your choice.  Simply go to the gallery and click on image.

More figures from the figure drawings and other exhibits:

Realistic figure drawings, nude women. Realistic figure drawings, erotic. Realistic figure drawing, erotic. Realistic figure drawings, expressive nude drawing.. Realistic figure drawings, erotic female.

This online  contemporary visual art gallery  includes bold, sensual, intriguing fine art in painting, drawing, pastel, collage, and mixed media.  See  realistic and expressive figure drawingsabstract and decorative figure paintingsplayful figuresportraits of menportraits of womenstill lifesabstract artdecorative non-objective artreliefs and sculpture, and other  sensual contemporary art.  San Francisco Bay Area artist Sharon Hudson, Oakland, California.


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