by Sharon Hudson

sensual figurative and abstract paintings for sale

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Contemporary paintings contemporary figure paintings still life painting abstract paintings.

Contemporary paintings, landscape.

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Contemporary paintings abstract painting colourful figure paintings still life paintings.

My Contemporary Paintings

My contemporary paintings -- whether abstract, figures, or still life -- begin with my love of the physical world, especially the human figure, plants, household objects, and the artist' world of color, form, and media.  My paintings are intended to provide pleasure through beauty, using bold color, line, texture, and pattern to animate strong compositions.  The inspiration for my paintings comes from modern masters of sensuality like Gauguin, Klimt, Matisse, Degas, and Van Gogh, as well as quiltmaking and stained glass.  Much contemporary art aims to shock, but my paintings provide sensual pleasure and psychic balance in our fragmented modern world.

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