Paintings of Men

by Sharon Hudson

buy paintings of men, male figure drawings, and portraits of men in the fine art exhibits below

Paintings of men fine art paintings of men male contemporary portraits and paintings of men.

Painting of men, contemporary drawing with collage.

Painting of man with collage


Paintings of men, contemporary pastel.

Collage and painting


Paintings of men, contemporary collage.

Collage and oil pastel

Jungle Spirit

Contemporary paintings of men expressive paintings of men fine art portraits of men male figure painting.

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My Paintings of Men

My pictures of men—paintings, drawings, portraits, or abstractions—always begin with live models.  When drawing or painting men, I am most interested in the dynamic expression and complex visible musculature of the male body.  Whether attracted by color, form, movement, or expression, I like to use media that are swift and sensual, and work quickly to capture the model.  This spontaneous portrayal may complete the picture, or I may work the portrait or figure into a complex composition energized with color, pattern, and collage. Sometimes I work the male body parts into abstract compositions. Most of my pictures of men are in the portraits exhibit.

My stylistic inspiration for my paintings of men comes from realists like Michelangelo and other Renaissance artists, as well as from masters of sensuality like Gauguin, Klimt, Matisse, Degas, and Van Gogh.

expressive portraits of men. Fine art figure drawings of men. Realistic drawings of men. Contemporary paintings of men. Fine art portraits of men.

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