Small  Relief  Sculpture

by Sharon Hudson

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Small reliefs contemporary abstract sculpture decorative relief art small non objective wall reliefs.

Small relief sculpture assemblage.

Small assemblage relief:

Assemblage II

Small relief sculpture, contemporary.

Colorful colorful relief:


Small relief sculpture, colorful abstract.

Colorful abstract relief:

Arabesque XI

Small non objective reliefs abstract sculpture contemporary small wall reliefs decorative relief art.

My Relief Sculpture

My relief sculpture includes small colorful abstract wall reliefs; small wall-hanging assemblages of found objects; and larger mixed media relief art.  My mixed media wall relief art works using fabric and sewing also cross the boundary between sculpture and flat art.  My reliefs parallel my ongoing work with patterns and textures in my photography and other two-dimensional art.

I have always been very interested in relief art and its close relative, mosaic, especially Hindu, Assyrian, Greek, and Mayan relief sculpture and Islamic mosaics.  Following this inspiration, I created a series of small, colorful, decorative reliefs molded in plaster, impregnated with linseed oil for strength, and painted with many layers of oil paint.  Some of these small reliefs are seen above. They are very popular and make nice wall art for small spaces and places that are too humid for works on paper or canvas.

This online  contemporary visual art gallery  includes bold, sensual, intriguing fine art in painting, drawing, pastel, collage, and mixed media.  See  realistic and expressive figure drawingsabstract and decorative figure paintingsplayful figuresportraits of menportraits of womenstill lifesabstract artdecorative non-objective artreliefs and sculpture, and other  sensual contemporary art.  San Francisco Bay Area artist Sharon Hudson, Oakland, California.


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